Learn how to draw near to God in your difficult days.

We've all endured hard seasons.

Beyond crying, "Help!", it can be hard to communicate with God when we're in those really, really hard places. 

It can be a struggle to know what to do with all the thoughts and emotions going on inside our hearts and minds. 


Yet as believers, we have so much hope! 

Trust in Him at all times, O people. Pour out your heart before him. God is a refuge for us. 
— Psalm 62:8

We can pour our hearts out to the God of the universe with confidence that He will hear us.

Through this mini e-course you will ...

  • Learn more about what it means to pour your heart out to God — and how to do it!
  • Better understand how “pouring out” your heart to God is more than just words
  • Understand a few biblical steps for trusting God with your struggles
  • Receive a printable guide that contains guided, customizable prayer prompts

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Special offer, $25 off!
This online women's Bible conference held in 2022 is designed to give you the tools, structure, and community you need to dive deep into Romans 8. (Full price $59.) 

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  • Total payment
  • 1xHow to POUR Out Your Heart to God$27

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